September 14, 2008

Seoul Talks

It's Chusok in Korea. Korean thanksgiving. It's odd to see the streets so sparse. I like it better when it's bustling with life. Usually, I like the quiet and calm of things, but for this season in my life, i want... life. To be surrounded by strange people, strange sounds, strange smells... it's keeping me going.

When I try to reflect on what I am thankful for, I know that there are many blessings I've received. In an attempt to stay positive, I will share with you some of the things I've been very grateful for:

1. Family. Back at home, I have my mother and sister. They are more than enough, but to be immersed in your extended family has definitely had its perks. Acceptance and love and even the irritating nagging are welcome as they leave me no time whatsoever to feel sorry for myself.
2. Friends. Friends are a precious source of comfort and strength. I've relied heavily on friends both old and new and they have responded with overwhelming support and encouragement. I'm not sure what I would do if I did not have them to talk to and slap sense into me.
3. Seoul. This city has provided both discomfort and a soothing dose of reality. It has opened its arms and welcomed me into the whirlwind of city life. Seoul tells me, "life goes on."
4. A sense of humor. I've been taking myself so seriously that I demanded perfection when I was not deserving. I'm slowly coming to terms that I'm not quite as important as I thought I was. Laughing at myself is beneficial to my emotional well-being.
4. God. I've tried so hard to do everything on my own. I've tried to become a better person on my own. I've tried to fix relationships on my own. I've tried to determine my path on my own. Things have gone horribly awry. I'm humbled by the fact that I really can't do anything on my own, nor should I even try. Dependency on a source greater than anything we can imagine is reassuring.

There are many more things I am thankful for. Many things I question. Yet, Seoul says "life goes on," and when Seoul talks, you listen.

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