January 13, 2009

black & white

When you're a child, the world is vibrant and lovely. As you start getting older, the colors fade away and things seem black and white. There is a definite wrong, a definite right, wholly evil people and impossibly good ones. In most children's fairy tales, there isn't much conflict of character and the witch is always horridly horrible and the princess is always purely innocent.

As we reach our young adulthood, the colors start coming back, the black and white fade to gray and we begin to see that things aren't always so cut and dry. People are conflicted. People are complex. I wish I could place each person I meet into a "good" box and a "bad" box, making life much easier to deal with. But good people do bad things and bad people can do good things. I guess that's the beauty in life and just another example of God's quirky humor.

Since I've been here, I've been burdened with this unnatural (to me) call to love. Love, love, love. To love those that are difficult to love, to love those that are easy to love, to display love, to accept love. I haven't come close to achieving this goal, but I hope to get there one day. I hope we all can get there one day.

1 comment:

psychedelic said...

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love"
- 1 Corinthians 13:13