April 25, 2009

forever young

I witnessed two grown men today chasing each other. Perhaps they were intoxicated at 7:30 in the morning, perhaps not. I am inclined to think the latter. My heart beamed with happiness to see the careless joy these men displayed. As silly as they looked, I only hoped that I would be able to enjoy life as they did at that age.

The students are preparing for their mid-term exams. One of my students, came to me one day, her eyes glistening with tears. When I asked what was wrong, she explained that she had gotten one answer wrong on an English test. I attempted to tell her that it was okay, one wrong answer wasn't the end of the world. However, further conversation revealed something far deeper than just a wrong answer. "How will my parents ever be proud of me if I can't even score perfectly in my best subject?" For that, I had no answer.

I've mentioned before how ridiculously competitive it is here. This student of mine is only in middle school, but her scores will greatly effect the high school she attends, which in turn will greatly effect the college she goes to, which in the end will most definitely effect the rest of her life. How could I tell her everything would be okay? Would it? Maybe I haven't lived long enough and experienced enough to truly know the answer to that question.

I think she knows Jesus. Maybe that should be enough?


Unknown said...

is that mama cho in the peekchur?


paul said...

i can relate to that. if i ever have kids i'd want to teach them what the rules to the games we play are, what it takes to get to the top, be sensitive to who they are as individuals, and above all, teach them that they always have a choice in whatever they do, but they are also responsible for their actions. i feel like a lot of korean students feel trapped, i know i did growing up. the social pressures here are tremendous. the best thing that i try to do here is just show the kids I care and show them patience and kindness even when they make mistakes (even though i fail miserable many times :P).

Unknown said...

its a vicious cycle...

after the kid achieves good grades, school, career... now what?
push her kid to do the same and live a similar life....??
mere chasing after the wind...

ima email you.