April 13, 2009


I spoke with my mom on Saturday morning and she asked me what my plans for the day were. When I told her I was going to play basketball, she reminded me that I was of marrying age, gave an exasperated sigh, instructed me to wear sunscreen and told me not to get hurt. For the past month or so, I've been playing basketball every Saturday. It's come to my realization that I'm a twenty-seven year-old (Korean age) female running around a basketball court with high schoolers, chasing an orange ball. Even I have to acknowledge the absurdity of the whole thing.

But what can I do? I enjoy it so.

This second semester of teaching has brought me a very routine schedule. Every week is the same as the week before. Yet, I relish the day's events and look forward from one activity to the next. I wonder just how long this satisfaction will last.

I looked out my window and thought it was snowing. Then I realized that the wind was blowing the cherry blossom petals.


Anonymous said...

still ballin eh hahaha

paul said...

glad you came. and we schooled those high schoolers :P

Wooj said...

Minah and I saw Lindsay getting baptized at ICC. Minah's dad was also getting baptized during the same service so we were there. We'll probably see you at one or more of the numerous weddings this year for some of our friends who are now at this "marrying age" your mom speaks of.

my name is hj said...

hahahaha...i wanna watch you!