April 8, 2009

time to break out the rod... unspoil the child...

This was bound to happen. Smooth sailing doesn't last forever and this hiccup was inevitable. I got my heartbroken by one of my students. Pudgy, little, flamboyant Kevin. He's got a bit of flair in his speech and talks with a high-pitched voice that squeaks now and then. He also has a horrible habit of using his cell phone during my afterschool class. Despite countless warnings and threats, he continued to text message his friends. I finally, took away his phone and dished out an empty threat to tell his homeroom teacher. And the result? He flings his hands in the air, turns sharply on his toes and stomps out of the classroom -- leaving the rest of my students and myself flabbergasted. This was five days ago and he's refused to talk to me since. Woe... woe... woe...

I receive an abundance of undeserved love here at school. It makes coming to work easy and enjoyable. However, I'm beginning to think that it's also keeping me from focusing my attention where it needs to be focused (God). Guess that needs to be put right.

A student asked me a question today that was either incredibly offensive or amusingly flattering. He pointed to his nose and said, "Teacher, plastic?"


Sharon Kim said...

hahaha....holy crap - i must admit that IS a nice nose you have =)

man, kids these days..tsktsk
what has the world come too?
its ok linda unni - when it comes to God - He is always waiting for you

that fact that you think that you need to put focus on Him, i'm sure, is glorifying in and of itself. bless you for even having such realizations.

Chris Duckworth said...

Undeserved love . . . beautiful. But isn't that the whole story of God's relationship with us as told in the Bible? We receive God's love, yet we don't deserve it. Undeserved love. That'll make a good sermon title one day.

Rather than identify that love from your school community as a distraction from God, perhaps you can look at it as a manifestation of God's love . . . after all, God uses flesh-and-blood people to share his love with us (prophets, Jesus, martyrs, etc).

If you interpret the love from your school community as being in competition with your relationship with God, you might begin to neglect that community in the name of seeking God. I think that would be a mistake, for God brought you to where you are, has placed you in that community, and given you a blessed task to do. Doing the work that God has given you to do, serving those children and that community, is God-pleasing.

Micah 6:8:
He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Blessings to you in our work and ministry . . . especially during this Holy Week.

JHK said...

none of the pictures have your mole :( distant memory...

Unknown said...

soooo what are you gona do about the kid?
you left this story on a cliffhanger!
ppl give you good advices here!