June 1, 2009

two thumbs up

Lately, I've had to question the happiness I've been experiencing. Teaching English in Korea is seen as a crossroads for most people. It's not the end point. It's a place where we all pass through -- a rest stop of sorts. I've been caught up in the sheer joy I feel while working that sometimes when I remember what it is that I'm doing, I crash back into reality. Am I allowed to be happy here? No one stays here for long, and no one takes teaching English overseas as a serious job. But why not? The pay is great, the experience is great, everything is great. Then what is it that is so unsettling about this?

It's not a "grown-up" job. I've got to make more of myself... The only that that's holding me back from feeling 100% happy is society's expectation on what I'm supposed to do. Which is ironic because I'm not sure society knows either...

Two weeks ago, the first graders practiced using various terms to express concern or condolence. Last Thursday, as we played a game, I had to reveal the year I graduated from high school. Within two seconds, they deduced I was 27.years.old. "Ohhh... I'm sorry to hear that!" "It is a pity." "Don't worry, things will be okay." "That's too bad." Good to know they're learning something.

Also, there's something just so hot about this picture:

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