December 8, 2009

cause we focused with it, we supposed to get it -the roots

It's a story that's familiar to many of us. We've heard it time and again. We've witnessed it, experienced it, lived it. Young and wide-eyed, they packed their few belongings, leaving their family, their friends and their culture behind, and traveled across a vast ocean to the land of opportunity. The land of fulfilled dreams teeming with hope and promise. It would also become the land of sacrifice.

We know, at least partly, of the sacrifice our parents made for us. "We came to this land for you, for your future." If you're a second generation product, then you've heard this. This claim that reveals so much dedication, love and desire, yet holds so much pressure.

We've seen our parents hard at work in jobs we wish we could do for them. We've observed them toiling, sweating... persevering. Still, they didn't complain to us, holding their tongues, holding their dignity.

We've seen this. And as we grow under their expectant eyes, we're torn between pursuing our freedom and honoring their sacrifice.

I suppose this is the age where we think we know it all. We have plans, or semi-plans, and our own dreams and aspirations. But duty, obligation and gratitude will always linger in our hearts. My parents went to the great country so I could pursue education to a level that they never could. Is it my commitment to repay them for the gift they've given me? Or have I the right to live as I please?

After seeing what they've gone through, I lean towards the former. Though I don't believe I'll find it pleasurable, a few years of hardship could be sacrificed on my part to bring them gratification and confirmation that the choice they made so many years ago was the right one.


Phil said...

Your blogs remind me of Calvin & Hobbes without the punch line. Sorry for never being able to make it out to football!

Unknown said...

missed couple of entries...
just read them ALL!! MUHAHAHA

been pretty busy here...
you bring up interesting points.. i dwelt on some of them thoughts previously... maybe we can grab a chat sometime~

hope all is well kye!

oh yea~ we saw your mom/sister at the movie theater~! watched blind side! it was aiite...