December 10, 2009

cold feet

I invested in these shoes because it is unbelievably cold at school. From what I can gather, most schools in this district have faulty heating systems. The teacher's office is drafty, the classrooms are only semi-warm (due to pubescent middle school kids) and the hallways... well, it's colder there than outside!

Being in our heat-challenged school all day, my feet have been the coldest part of my body -- aside from my heart (haha). Regular boots don't cut it. Wearing two pairs of socks cuts off my circulation, resulting in cold and numb feet. I actually contemplated purchasing a pair of Uggs... but when I got to the store, I just couldn't do it... I'm an anti-Uggs kind of gal.

So, instead, I ended up buying a pair of Rubber Ducks. They are perhaps the ugliest pair of shoes I own, but they are keeping my feet so damn warm. Oh but they're really quite ugly. The only consolation I have aside from the warmth and comfort is that they are a nice shade of what I like to call "O.G. blue."

At school, some of the kids laughed and pointed at my Rubber Ducks. I was sad for half a moment before remembering that I'd be traipsing all over Beijing in them in a few short weeks. So there, shekkis.


hojin said...

Well, I think they look just fine. But why blue? hope all is well in Korea. ;)

Inhar said...

O-M-G! HAHAHAHAH...why hello napoleon dynamite. That picture has made my night. Thanks Linda!

Unknown said...

i like the boots. can u send a pair my way? have fun in beijing in a few weeks!! hope you've been well, friend! :)