December 15, 2009


If you've ever climbed to the top of a mountain, you know the marvelously delicious feeling of freedom. The torturous hike up is quickly forgotten. Evil thoughts on what you'd like to do to the mountain are tossed aside. Instead, you focus on the crisp mountain breeze skipping on your skin. You breathe in the deliriously refreshing mountain air deep into your lungs. You gaze down into the beauty the world has to offer.

In the same way, our hardships have a way of bringing beauty into our lives. We may mourn or live in denial. We may become depressed or maddeningly happy. We may crawl into our shell or rebel to the umpth degree. However we process our emotions during periods of difficulty, we are resilient. We survive. We learn. We grow.

The holiday season brings with it a hodgepodge of emotions. There are those who are unbelievably happy to be celebrating the holidays with loved ones. There are those who are melancholy to have no one to celebrate with at all. There are those looking back on the past year regretting decisions, choices and words. There are those wanting to hold onto a magical year that birthed them great joy and wonderful memories.

I hope regardless of our emotions, we all know what lies for us at the top. That we find hope in knowing that there will be growth, maturity and beauty in the bumps and sharp turns on our individual life paths. In retrospect there is beauty, and in that beauty we can always create a new beginning.

1 comment:

paul said...

something i'm contstantly re learning in my own life.

“The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.”
Kahlil Gibran

"All the agony that threatened to destroy my life now seems like the fertile ground for greater trust, stronger hope, and deeper love." - henri nouwen

“What is to give light must endure burning.” Viktor Frankl