January 20, 2010

letters to haiti...

Hi Haitian. I'm Vicky from Korea. I watched many news about earthquake in Haiti. During I watched news I think Oh! it's ver serious problem. So we need to help them international. So I deced help Haiti. We will collect money for Haitians. I'll do very hard! So You mst cheer up! I'll pray for you... Bye.

Hello, I'm Hee-Joo Kim and 15 years old. I'm from Seoul, Korea. I heard about Haiti earthquake. I'm so sorry to hear that. Are you ok now? I'm worried about your health, food and water. I want to help you. I'll persuasion people to help Haitian next Monday. Actually, I did not experience an earthquake, but I can understand you. Your situations are very bad. Also, there are many injured people. I want to be a doctor in the future. That's why I'm really sad about that. I'm only 15 years old, and I can't go to Haitian by myself. Please be careful in Haiti and never use violence. Take care everybody. I'll always pray with you. from HeeJoo

Dear Haitian,
Hi. I'm Yeon-Jin Kim. I'm from Seoul, Korea. I write this letter, because I want to cheer vigorously for you. I saw newspaper. I thought 'I have to help them!' HOwever, Haiti is very far, so I can't go. For all that, I have letter. I sometimes pray for Haiti. Earthquake is spontaneous. We can't stop that. So I'll punish the earthquake. Cheer-up~~~

To Haitian. Hello, I am student in Korea. I write the letter for you. You are down and surprised, but don't be down!! Many countries and people in world say to help you. I am student, so I don't have big power to you. I can't give everything to you, but I wil give my mind to you. I am worried. I am very sad. Are you Okay? Don't be down and sad. You will be happy. Many worlds people will help you. Don't be scared. Smile. Fighting.

To someone in pains. Hi, I'm Yeseul in Korea. Whole world, including our country heard about your saddest story. At first, I didn't care about your hurt, but, after I watched the news, I felt compassion. I'm sorry to hear that. What I'm mostly concern about is children. If I think little children are starving when we have lunch, I feel very sorry. We're going to work to help you. We will fundraise for the nessasity of helping Haitians, so don't worry.
Though you're in a tragedy, you and your country will get through this because people around the world are praying for you and paying atention to you. In case of me, sometimes, I'm in trouble, I think of my merry future, then, the troubles go away. How about thinking about future after ou get through this? I think that's a good way.
Earthquake is a kind of natural problems but they're caused by human-kind. Because we don't care about the nature, this kind of tragedy is provoked. Arhentina and other countries around Haiti had earthquakes too. So it's a serious problem.
I know you're thirsty and hungry. If Icould go there now, I want to give you lots of food as much as I can bring to there. Don't be depressed! Believe that you can survive! I'll make my fingers across for you!
Yours Truely

To Haitians. Hello. My name is Yeon-jae Choi and my English name is Nicky Choi. I am a Bongwon middle school student in Seoul, Korea and I am a 14-year-old girl.
I heard in the newscast that a very strong earthquake hit Haiti a few days ago and that so many people were injured, caused by the earthquake.
I was very sorry to hear that and felt sad about the fact... :( Although South Korea is located far away from your country, I wanted to help you because I think all people on earth should help each other. I tried to search how can I help you but it wasn't easy. I know water and food are the most important things you need. However, I am only 14 years old so I do not have much money and cannot earn money either.
At last, I found a way. I thought it is very important for you to have hopes as well as to have food, especially for children. If Haitian children lose their hope, the future of Haiti will disappear. I wanted to say to you, "Look on the bright side." Also, I wanted to let you realize that all people on earth hope you to recover your health and they are always on your side.
Please remember.
LIFE is the best fortune. There is always someone who's got it worse than you.
At the end of the letter, I want to say one word. "Everything's going to be okay. Don't give up!"
I hope you will get better soon.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Thank you for reading my letter. Bye.
Tuesday, Jan. 19th 2010
Yeon-jae Choi (Nicky Choi)
Bong won middle school.


Mrs. Kang said...

<3 , Teacher Linda! so glad you are there teaching & guiding them!

lindsay said...

aww this is cute.
their hearts are so pure.
and their writing seems to be much better than the ones i read like when you first went there =P