March 16, 2010

no fear

A non-Christian friend once told me she was turned off when people would write things such as "God is so awesome!" as their facebook or gchat status. I brushed this off as her personal preference. And it is.

However, as I venture into newer areas of my life, unknown paths that I am wanting to take, it seems that some have tried to strike fear into my heart. On one hand, I am appreciative of their concern. On the other, I am totally, utterly turned off.

Do we live our lives out of fear? I choose not to fear. I choose to live up to the choices I've made so far and the ones I will make in the future. The reprecussions will come, I am sure, and I will accept them as is. But to live in fear? I decline.


Unknown said...

not sure i really understand this one... i emailed you! =D

DuVäl said...
