April 15, 2010


I'm not considered a real, authentic teacher. At least, I don't think that's how the students view me. I am, however, a real, authentic foreigner. This unique position provides with various details into the Bongwon Middle School psyche. I hear bits of gossip about students' relationships, such as this certain third grade girl who is dating a much shorter first grade boy. As one of my students so excitedly put it, "That is illegal!" Almost.

I hear about fights that happen on and off school property. About the bully who is so concerned with his own health that he doesn't ever bring a cigarette to his lips but forces other students to do so.

I hear about the girls who hike up their skirts and smoke in the bathroom. They're simply too cool for school. Their eyelashes droop from the weight of the thickly applied mascara and their cheeks shine eerily from the caked on foundation.

I hear about the sundry of nicknames students have bestowed upon the teachers. Here are a few: Toad, Psycho, Goblin, Flying Squirrel and Catfish. Funny thing is, to me, they totally make sense. I've definitely seen "the Catfish" as a catfish. As a teacher, it's a given that students will gossip about you. Apparently, I'm half-white, I'm half-black, I'm actually Chinese, I was in the military back in the states and I'm secretly married. I asked them what my nickname was, and they wouldn't tell me.

It must be pretty bad.

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