May 10, 2010

branching out

So, been a bit M.I.A. Between midterms, school festivals, school trips and basketball-packed weekends, I feel unglued when sitting in front of a computer. With the arrival of the much anticipated and long overdue warm weather, I find my e-mail/Facebook/Youtube/Blogger time has significantly decreased. Even now, I can't wait for school to get out... so I can run outside and play.

People ask me all the time when I'm going back "home." Makes me wonder where and what "home" really is. I've met sorts of different people here and my "sabbatical" from church, was supposed to be spent questioning the very beliefs I've held for the past nine years. And I've questioned. I've explored. I've wandered. Turns out, I enjoy the wandering more than I've ever enjoyed the constrictions of before. I feel a sense of freedom in knowing that my actions are my own. My successes, my failures, my decisions and regrets are of my own will. There is nothing else. There is nothing more. I've gotten many a negative reaction to this, but it works for me, just like certain boundaries and lifestyles work for others.

Freedom. Now that's something to "rawr" about.

1 comment:

paul said...

neither did i :P we'll see what happens with all this though - taking full time classes starting end of the month in graphic design and doing my first photog gig next weekend. i'm kinda in the same place w/church though i feel my faith is pretty firmly rooted, its more the constrictions/control/black and white thinking of most people and churches that i'm distrustful/wary of, though a lot of it probably just comes from bad experiences that i need to process and forgive. ha. peace homie.