July 5, 2010


Funny how this medium invites readers to take a glance into a part of my psyche, but in doing this, it seems I grow further and further away from some. It's a one-sided deal, this blogging business. I share and people (should they choose) take a short journey with me into a random space of time into the inner workings of my mind. Yet... I have no idea what's going on in their lives. This is both the beauty and downfall of modern technology. We can share as much or as little as we want and the randomest of people will stumble across your tiny square of virtual space. They'll think they know you. They'll think they know what you grow through. They'll think they can relate to you. But is true connection ever across an area unseen and intangible?

Perhaps it's not a direct connection. There's still space, time and mathematical equations associated with space and time that separate us from each other. It's not a direct connection. But maybe it's enough. It's enough distance. It's enough sharing. It's the most delicate graze across your arm. It's the almost imperceptible breeze on a summer night. This blogging business -- maybe it's just enough to get something across. Maybe it's just enough sharing.

"i wake up to the sound of music, mother mary calls to me... speaking words of wisdom, let it be..." the beatles

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