August 9, 2010

summer nights are a-passin' by...

If I had any readers, I've probably lost them by now. I've been away for quite awhile. I'm behind on e.mail, letters, communication in general. It's not that I've been too busy. I've just been away from the computer for long, long stretches of time.

I have nothing interesting to add to my blog. Not that I ever did. But the search continues, will forever continue for the truth. The purpose and point of everything. However, I'm too content at present to search whole-heartedly.

Summer nights for me have been spent at Banpo Bridge. At 8PM there's a water "show." There's also something about being near the river, with families riding bikes, couples strolling hand in hand, friends sharing laughs over beer and snacks. I like surrounding myself with these things though I'm only an observer. Life is good.


Unknown said...

dont worry~
i still check everyday for updates!

dang i miss Korea...

iAMerica said...

i'm still here~ ^.^

Mrs. Kang said...

i check your blog! you have faithful readers here in nova. :) <3