November 29, 2013


"'Fairy tales always have a happy ending.' That depends... on whether you are Rumplestiltskin or the Queen." 
Briar Rose by Jane Yolen

In life I've failed on countless occasions. I failed to get into the college I wanted. Failed to become the basketball player I dreamed to be. Failed to purchase a car for my mother by my 30th birthday. Failed to keep in touch with friends. Failed my nightly battles with ordering delivery McDonald's. Failed in love. Failed in the workplace. Failed in many things.

But with failure comes learning, and strength, and hope. Constant success leads to a routine, or even a sense of entitlement. Constant failure means work for the road ahead.

In one sense I suppose my failures are simply... failures. Then again, there are no definite answers or facts, but just interpretations of our actions and events. My failures are the cobblestones of my life path, leading to... who knows where. And because of, or perhaps despite of these shortcomings, I have learned to be extremely grateful for the successes in my life. These successes which actually have nothing to do with me, myself, but somehow have been associated with me because of fortune or just some decree by a higher power. Successes such as a loving and supportive family unit, dependable friends, accepting me for just me, a caring and genuine partner, health, youth (depends on perspective, I suppose), a remaining curiosity for life, and an appreciation for beauty.

For these things I am thankful.

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