October 6, 2008

Haksengs vs. Students

"Hakseng" simply means "student" in Korean. I've been trying to assess the differences between Korean students and American students. My co-workers have asked me if I have noticed any differences and I realized that my answers both verbally and written on paper seem negative:
  1. Korean students talk a lot more than American students. In the states, you have a decent sense of order in a classroom. You have a rebel or two, a class clown, maybe a total miscreant. Yet, all in all, most of the class is quiet when you ask them to be quiet. Korean students love to talk -- in Korean. They talk, talk, talk, talk. At least in the states the biggest problem a teacher usually has is the passing of notes.
  2. Korean students seem a lot younger than American students. Perhaps it's the mandatory uniforms they have to wear. Perhaps it's that they're giggly-er. I know that they're going through the same hormonal imbalances and growing pains as their American counterparts, but there's a general intangible sense of innocence that clouds their air.
  3. Korean students are a lot more touchy-feely than American students. It's not unusual to see girls walking the hallways holding hands. They are quite affectionate with each other. Boys are rowdy demon spawns in the hallways. There is so much more horseplay than in the states. They run, scream, kick, punch, tussle, slide and anything else possible to do in a ten feet wide space.
As you can see, these few observations make it seem that my experience with Korean students has been a nightmare. On the contrary, it's been refreshing and an enjoyment to teach and interact with my students. The above mentioned observations were meant merely for observational purposes, not denoting a positive or negative. It's simply a matter of accepting the Korean culture as is. For all the stress and headaches I get, my students have an endearing quality that worms its way into my stone cold heart. I heart them.

And for a random Korean fun fact. Korean men love them some shiny, shimmery suits with a sheen.
Seriously, men wear this stuff to work (minus the bow tie and bouquet).

1 comment:

JHK said...

that tux looks perfect for a groom and his groomsmen =P

bring 4 over, ok?