November 11, 2008


I watched Quantum of Solace the other night and was transported back into the states. As the closing credits rolled and the lights turned back on, it took me a second to register that I was surrounded by Koreans. I was expecting more colors.

Other than that, the movie was better than I initially thought. Jam-packed with action, I felt a bit queasy, not to mention deaf, during the viewing. Land, sea or air, is there any place that Bond cannot out-manuver, out-smart, or out-do his pursuers? Not to mention, is there any place that he cannot look sexy? The obvious answer is, no. Aside from the action, Bond's conflicted sense of revenge allows the audience to see the character depth created by Daniel Craig and the new era of Bond writers.

Changing tones, today was 빼빼로 (Pepero) Day in Korea. 빼빼로 is a wonderful little pretzel stick dipped in chocolate. Its equivalent in the states is Valentine's Day. It's crazy. You can buy a huge stuffed 빼빼로 from a convenience store for about forty bucks. I'm telling you, it doesn't look right. Imagine one of these:
...about three feet tall, six inches wide and with a creepy looking face. It just doesn't look right, I tell ya...

Oh yea, I'm already making plans to go all out on 빼빼로 Day, 11.11.11!


joannekim said...

HAHAHHAHAHA. daniel craig is very, very sexy. can't believe you got to watch it already!

aww, i wish i could see a photograph of a giant pepero. grace jeon brought like 8 boxes of pepero yesterday for our bible study meeting. :)

i miss you linda!

JHK said...

its out already in korea?
