December 14, 2008

friends in seoulful places

A friend's recent bout with an intestinal infection found her lying in a hospital bed. Thankfully, after two nights at the hospital, she's better but still recovering.

It's hard enough being sick in a foreign country, living alone without your family. Landing yourself in the hospital isn't a bonus. A silver lining, as most situations have silver linings, is the flood of support this friend received. This support was not only encouraging to her, but to the rest of us. Personally, it was good to know that I found friends I cared enough about to actually care if they were in the hospital or not. And of course, selfishly, it was good to know that these friends would be there for me had I been the one lying on the starched, white, hospital bedsheets.

It's funny how I had previously viewed myself as so different from others. Special, unique and set apart. I really, truly had that complex. But as I walk the streets of this city, swarming with people who look just like me, I realize, I'm not so different after all. I've been humbled to recognize my insignificance. But alas! A silver lining I see! Far from moping about this revelation, it has concentrated my efforts to smaller, more tangible tasks. Trying to care for those near me. To learn to love unconditionally. To make an impact in smaller circles. To create, essentially, a ripple effect of love, hope and patience. I've been very blessed, very fortunate, to have met people here who are showing me just how to do that.

If soul food is good for my hunger, my Seoul friends have been good for my character.

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