December 5, 2008

ramble ramble

1. All the teachers at my school have a stick. They use this stick to scare their students. They either bop them on the head or smack their hands. I want to ask for one but am a bit intimidated. I would draw a smiley face on mine and adorn it with ribbons and streamers.

2. I've met a wonderful little group of girl friends. They are my homies, making my life in Korea a little more homey (gag... worse pun in the world, if it can even be considered a pun).

3. Many of my co-workers are Christians and have openly talked to me about their beliefs and have been receptive to mine. It's truly a blessing.

4. One of my students told me I looked like Pepper Potts. I let my head float to the size of a watermelon for a split second -- a split second. Then I asked "Why?" He answered, "Because you have many these," as he pointed out my numerous freckles.

5. I've befriended my guitar.

6. Self-help books have given me some self-actualizations as well as much needed humor in my life.

7. Each class I teach has six teams. I allowed each team to create or choose their own team name. Some are standard, like "Superman" or "Power Rangers" or "Batman/Dark Knight." However, there are a few inventive ones worth mentioning:
-Raison Deitre (Later found out this was the name of a cigarette brand and had them change their name to "Apple")
-Linda Zzang (Named after yours truly)
-Crazy Cow (They've obviously heard their parents' grumblings on Mad Cow Disease)
-No Korean! (A twist on the number one classroom rule: English only!)
-Hangook Dokdo (A tribute to the tiny island of Dokdo that was imbroiled in a heated contest with Japan)

8. Students really mock me when I speak Korean. They make fun of my accent. So, I make fun of theirs. Ha. Ha.

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