April 30, 2009

young tears

It's mid-term exam time here at Bongwon Middle School. The office is flooded with students in tears. My heart breaks for each one.

It's been awhile since I shed young tears. Young tears that are free of complications. Old tears are the ones we cry now, the ones that are still achingly painful but have knowledge that there is still a tomorrow. Young tears are the ones that are unriddled with complex thoughts of having to go on, do your work, live your life. Young tears are inexplicably driven by the firm belief that life is over.

I've seem various students stagger into the teacher's office, in despair over their scores. I've had three come directly to me to share their woes and I am bewildered by how I am to console them. "It'll be okay," just sounds so flat. What can I say?

As adults, we're able to deal with our issues a bit more logically, understanding that one incident is not the end of the world, but only a small piece of the greater puzzle. If we're lucky, we're able to view these unfortunate incidents as growing experiences and steps to help us become stronger individuals. I wish I could tell these students that their tears will dry eventually and there will be a tomorrow. I'm sure they'll be fine next week after a nice four-day holiday. So, for now, I only offer them these:

1 comment:

eej said...

uh oh...fobiness has kicked in. seem vs. seen!