May 8, 2009

gadgets and gizmos a.plenty

*I've been badly needing a baseball cap to wear around to protect my face from the sun. I hate the FOB hats... the fake Von Dutch ones with fringes all over it... there are plenty of NY Yankees caps, but of course I could never don one of those... lots of caps with bedazzling and bejewelery. Finally, I had to settle on a Chicago White Sox cap. I feel like such a traitor. I desperately miss my beloved Washington Nationals cap that I got for free during their inauguration week. 배신자.

*After school on Fridays, I have a chunk of time between the end of school and tutoring. This span of about two hours is usually spent meandering the streets of Soongsil University. I love walking up and down the hill of the school and taking in the essence of school life -- the students, army dudes, couples walking hand in hand -- all lending to a lively and youthful atmosphere. It was here, enjoying a bowl of naengmyun at a small hole in the wall that I realized how old I was getting. No longer do I scoff at their superficial conversation and carefree laughs. I feel like an old woman gazing at youth with appreciation and nostalgia. Then the lady of the shop rings me up with her old lady perm and SAS shoes and I'm brought back into reality -- I'm only a few years older than these early twenty-somethings.

*I've been coaching the boys basketball team for about three weeks now. It's brought me great joy and satisfaction to impart basketball knowledge to young ones. I taught them to play Knockout a few days ago and when I looked outside the window today during lunch time, I saw them teaching others to play it. It brought me great, overwhelming joy. Joy, joy.

*While tutoring today, fifth-grade Eunche was once again moaning about the trials of life -- one of them being her problems in learning English. She said it would get so much more difficult in middle school. Without thinking I told her to ask me any questions when she got to middle school. "Do you think you'll still be here then? I don't think you will be." I couldn't give her definite answer but did say that I would try to be there for her. She replied with nonchalance that I believe was masking her insecurity, "No one has ever stayed two years before."


Sharon Kim said...

I like your voice. It sounds so naturally poetic, like a song. Thanks for your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

that last paragraph was so sad

paul said...

so wise and thoughtful for a young 26 year old. i can see you making a great coach too :)