May 18, 2009

go.stop... go... stop... go... go...

For some reason, my students seem to like to draw me. I don't know what it is, but I've received lots of pictures, almost always unforgivingly full of freckles. Through this experience, I've been extremely grateful for one incredibly superficial, shallow thing: my removed mole. A little over a year ago, I had a prominent mole that resided above my upper lip "punched out." It had always been a source of both idiosyncratic pride and troubling embarrassment. I feared being known as the "girl with the mole." I had even been teased in third grade by Adam Bell, who pointed at me and screamed, "A fly pooped on your lip!" 나쁜셰끼놈.

Well, it's quite a fortunate thing that I was able to get that sucker removed. There are moments I shudder in fear when I think of the teasing I would've received had I still had it. I can just imagine the pictures that would've been drawn with a big black hole engulfing my face. Crisis averted!

This past Friday, some friends came over and played Go.Stop, a form of Korean poker. The stakes were low but the fun was high. I had to call it quits at around 5:00 am, but three endured the night and played on. I woke at 10:00 am to find that they had literally just finished playing. It was truly amazing. A drizzly Saturday was spent bumming around and playing some more Go.Stop. A few years ago, I would've found this kind of time spent ridiculously wasteful. However, I realize that it's these times and these situations that imprint fond memories into your life story. There are only so many people who you'd be able to do such a foolish thing with. It's good to find those people nearby.

1 comment:

lindsay said...

well i think its a sign of love ^^
they love you so much that they want to draw you all the time. and the fact that they always include the freckles means that they notice you and wont ever forget you!!

love you sister!