May 25, 2009

yet another one...

It's a well-known fact in this country that Korea has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. When you're jam.packed into a city that is home to 25% of the the country, news hits you faster, harder and more intensely. Though terribly tragic, I can't help but wonder if Roh Moo-hyun's suicide two days ago is a horrible example set by a man who was revered and loved by so many. He was a hope and a light for Koreans who have endured the leadership of one corrupt politician followed by another, followed by another. During our Sunday lunch, my father vehemently claimed over and over that Roh Moo-hyun was the only Korean president who had actually given the power to the people.

I've not enough knowledge of Korean history or politics to come to any conclusion on my own, but regardless of the pressures he faced and the burdens he shouldered, is suicide the right answer? He may have been pushed into a corner and left almost no options, but in Korea of all places, did this have to happen? Since I've been here, there have been at least three suicides of public figures. It's sad that this great man has to add his fate to this growing list.

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