June 19, 2009

eraser in my mind

Perhaps I'll blame it on the weather. I've been overly forgetful the past few weeks. I locked myself out of my apartment twice. I've forgotten two appointments I made with people. I left my cellphone at school the other day. However, the biggest heartbreak occurred last Saturday. After watching my students at a basketball tournament, I left my wallet at the community center. Fortunately, they called one of my students who called me to let me know they had my wallet. I got off the bus and ran to the center to retrieve my wallet. This caused me to be late for another appointment, so I decided to take a cab. After some pleasant banter with the cabbie, I paid him and exited his car. Later that night, I realized that my camera had fallen out of my bag in his car. Woe. Major, major, major woe. I've been hoping with all I have that this guy would return my camera to my school, since I mentioned to him I worked at Bongwon. I'm still hoping.

This is the second time I've lost my camera since I've been here.

Maybe it's the weather, but I've been feeling so sluggish these days. I can barely muster up the energy to get out of bed and I find myself being short with the students. I feel overwhelmed by the things I need to do and although summer vacation is around the corner, I don't foresee a break any time soon. Once school lets out, I've got two weeks of summer classes to teach, a week in Mongolia, another week of summer teaching and then a week and a half at home which will most definitely not be considered a "vacation." Then comes the fall semester.

My co-workers keep telling me I look tired. In some places, that just means you look like crap.

To top it all off, there's one petulant mosquito in my apartment who refuses to leave me be.

I look forward to a cold, cold beer on Friday nights. It's not sad. It's life.

As for those worried about the situation in North Korea, life goes on the same in Seoul. Until a rocket lands in the middle of the city, it ain't no thang.

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