June 9, 2009


Lately, I can't seem to sit still. My mind is on edge, my arms are fidgety, my legs are restless and my feelings are nomadic. It's not quite that I find my life dull. Teaching is still rewarding, students are as endearing as ever, the working environment is still amusing and educational. I'm beginning to suspect that my transient nature is creeping its way to the surface, wiggling its way into my soul. Although I've committed to another year at this school, I'm dreaming of another far off land, exotic with strange smells and congested with a different culture. Another challenge to be faced and conquered. Contemplating my future, weighing my desires and needs, I'm afraid any chances of a "normal" suburban life will soon cease to present itself to me. That scares the crap out of me. All I've been surrounded with is "normality." It's what I know. It's what I'm comfortable with. Would I be happy to step outside that box?

I guess at our age, at this time in our lives, we're just looking for that person who will tread those unfamiliar territories with you. As most of my friends begin their marriage journeys this year, it's only natural for me to wonder what lies ahead for myself. I know that aspect of my future is not here in Korea, so perhaps my soul is ready to move on... after another year. It is simultaneously exciting and unnerving. The brilliance that is Karen Carpenter sums it up best, "but freedom only helps you say goodbye." As a being who absolutely demands her freedom, I fear "goodbye" is all I will be saying to those I come across on my life journey.

Adios! 안녕! Farewell! Vaarwel! So long! さようなら! Adieu! до свидания! Cheerio! Hasta la vista! Auf Wiedersehen! αντίο! Ciao! Goodbye!

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