July 1, 2009

then and now

Anyone remember this guy? 김건모. I used to love him. I mean, how could you not? The baggy pants, his reggae style, that slightly nasal voice... Music is a great indicator of how old you're getting. I found myself singing along to most of this song, surprised at my own remembrance of the lyrics, when I realized that it's been over ten years since I've heard 잘못된 만남. Holy cow. Where has the time gone?

No matter our background, many of us follow a similar path in life. There are the first few awkward phases of our adolescence, trying to fit in and be accepted. Then there are the rebellion years where we are truly "searching for ourselves." Soon, we realize that there's really not that much to search for. We are who we are, and either we choose to become better people, or be complacent with what we have. At this point in the journey, I yearn to recapture the innocence from a time before the insecurity and disillusion. Not to say that my current situation in life is disagreeable place to be. It's just that I come across random youtube clips like the one above and wish for the time when I would listen to Kpop unabashedly.

Most of my friends know that I am adversely opposed to current Kpop -- though I must confess here that I have a few embarrassing songs on my ipod. Kpop nowadays is irrefutably catchy and who doesn't want to watch a music video with young attractive people bopping along to catchy songs? However, I don't think Kpop now can touch the artists of yore like 김건모, 룰라 and 신화.

Finally, here's another 김건모 treat to enjoy:

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