September 2, 2009

korean lessons

A few weeks ago, I had my summer school classes teach me about Korea in English. They could choose from Korean culture, Korean etiquette, Korean holidays, the Korean language or Korean folklore. Here are a few tidbits from this fun experiment...

On Korean meal etiquette, by Amy
I speak Korean mear etiquette. You muse not eat before an adult. You must meal not raise a rice bowl to eat. You must meal not make sounds while eatting.

On Korean etiquette, by HyunJae
1. When you eat food you must not make a noise.
2. During having a meal, you must not get up.
3. You must have a meal after old man eat any food.
4. You must get up after old man finish eating and get up.
5. In an apartment you can't raise a pet.
6. In public transportation you must not call loudly.
7. When you drink alcohol you must drink with two hands and look the other way.

On Korean holidays, by Beatrice
In Korea we celebrate 광복 day on Augest fifteenth. The Japaness colonialized Korea that day. Japanese emancipation Korea this day we call the 1945 Liberation day. Korean very want emancipation but Japaness duruing 1910~1945 they colonialization. Korea colonialization time very many people struggle Japan. This day many people meet family they go to country or they parents house. There they eat 떡국 and they have 차례. We play 욪놀이. It's very funny game.

A Korean folktale, translated by Jin
Once upon a time, there was palacein ocean. A king living in the palacein was very sick. So doctor said "This illness must treated by rabbit's liver." Then king said "Who want to go to the land?" Many fish didn't want that, but turtle which had brave wanted! Finally when turtle arrived at land, he saw rabbit. He said, "Do you come to our palace? Its beautiful palace and there are delicious foods. Rabbit was interested, so he decided to go there.
As the rabbit arrived at the palace, the king said "Give me your liver!!" The rabbit was frightened, so he had an idea. He said "I don't have my liver, rabbites always put own liver in home. Because liver is very important. Then the king allowed the rabbit to go back his home with the turtle.
As soon as the rabbit arrived at the land. He escaped. The turtle knew that he was deceived by the rabbit. Finally he bumped his head on the rock, and he died.


Unknown said...

hahaha sippin them JANX!

hope you had a good time in USA~
remember! not matter now much you love Korea!

your home is-----

Heaven! O_O;;
thats deep bro

Unknown said...

dang.. im writing like one of your kids...

i meant:

"no matter how much you love Korea'... =/

lindsay said...

hmmm, i already knew all these, but to actually see it in writing is kind of weird. ^^

i get the feeling that you wont be back for a really long time eh???