November 26, 2009

a seoulful thanksgiving

These are the students in my afterschool class. Today, I asked them to write what they were most thankful for. We then shared and discussed what each other had to say. Here are their writings verbatim.

Erin, 맹다영 - front, far left, standard peace sign
I'm most thankful for my friend. because sometimes, he smiles for me and makes me happy. he heard my talk, too. And if I have some heppen he hears my heppen and helps me. He is very thankful for me.

Jin, 김연진 - back, far left, standard peace sign
I'm most thankful for my bed, Because it makes me comfortable and it is my first bed. Bed and I have many memories. For example, 12 years ago, I wet the bed at night.

Audrey, 김예슬 - front, third from left, ghetto peace sign
I'm most thankful that I'm not a handicapped person. I'm most thankful that I'm not a handicapped person because there are so many people feeling very depressed. therefore, It means I'm thankful to my parents, too.

Thomas, 나공민 - far right, ghetto peace sign
I'm most thankful for being born Usually I think that we can eat delicious foods, make friends or make family because we was borned before. If I didn't born maybe I can't enjoy my life also it would be very unlucky and terrible. Finally I'm most thankful for being born.

Brittney, 유보경 - front, second from left, standard peace sign
I'm most thankful for school. I like to have new friends. if I'm not going to school, I don't have lots of chance to make friend. However, I can meet many friends and get great experience with them. I love school life. Sometimes I fight with friend too. When I fight, I feel bad, but when I thinking about that day after that time, I think that is just one kidful happend.

Nicky, 최연재 - back, second from left, standard peace sign
I am most thankful for a person who made ice cream. Because I love eating ice cream! I have been liking ice creams since I was a baby. If there were not ice creams in the world, I would be very sad and The world would be boring.

Vicky, 권경금 - far back, gray sweater, standard peace sign
I'm most thankful for my family. Because my family are loving each other I'm only child, so I'm lonely. But my uncles played with me When I don't solve the math problem they helped me. Also my aunts helped me everything My grandmother, is growed me Because my parents were so busy. So I thank for my grandmother so much. finally, my parents are borned me and take care of me I can't say anything to my parents. Because... I don't know I have another thing feeling my parents... So I love my parents!

Bea, 서승연 - front, leaning over, about to make a sign
I'm most thankful for my family. Because, whithout my family, I couldn't love anyone. Well, sometimes my family make me mad and make me sad. However, most of times they make me happy. If I can born in another family, I'm not sure that I can grow better than now.

Grace, 이가영 - back, about to beat down on someone
I am most thankful for healthy. Because health is the most important than anything. If I'm not healthy, I can't play computer games, watching TV, can't go school. In the World, many people don't healthy I'm happy that I'm healthy.

As for me, you can see I've got a lot to be thankful for -- we've all got a lot to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving :)

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