December 1, 2009


I witnessed a small miracle the other day. Every Tuesday, I tutor Eunche. She has no parents and perhaps because of this, she has no manners. She refuses to say "Hello" or "Goodbye" to me. She never says "Thank you." At times, she glares at me. She contemptuously reminds me that this is Corea, and scornfully asks why my Corean is so terrible. Sometimes, she makes me feel as though I am three inches tall -- barely.

Yet, last week, as I was about to step one foot out the gate, I heard it. I turned around in shock. "What did you say?" I asked.

"What are you talking about?" she retorted with that wiser-than-the-world look she applies on her young face.

"Nothing," I said. But I did hear it. She muttered her "Goodbye" and I heard it. Working with this difficult rapscallion has been one of the more rewarding experiences during my time in Corea.

I think I'll treat myself to some good food... maybe some 설렁탕.

1 comment:

Mrs. Kang said...

i know this post is old, but i totally get that--- some of my kids need extra loving or have bigger family drama than needing to deal with at their age.