February 4, 2010

the long winter

It feels as though it has been winter for over a year. We hardly experienced a fall and fell straight into a kind of cold that seeps into the hollows of your eyes. On one hand, it's great walking up the hill to school and not step into the office dripping in sweat. On the other, feeling cold all day at work isn't a pleasant feeling.

My body, mind, emotions have been on hibernation this winter. I've been literally dragging my apathy around like a comfort blanket. Questioning how to shed apathy and learn compassion, passion, feeling.

Did you know that there are two sides in every story? Rarely do we ever see the whole truth. The whole truth hardly ever presents itself boldly, but tucks itself away into a small crevice, unsure if it wants to be discovered or not. In a search for the truth, difficult questions must be asked and when difficult questions surface, hurt and pain arise as well. Hurt and pain cause denial, distance and discomfort. However, in most cases than not, the truth is discovered at some point.

Are we avoiding the inevitable?

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