February 9, 2010


Sawatdee from Bangkok!

I’ve been sitting here in Suvarnabhumi Airport for a good three hours waiting for my transfer flight. The awesomeness that is technology allows me to annihilate these three hours (plus one more) by surfing the World Wide Web, engorging in useless information and perusing pictures of friends and loved ones.

I’ll be arriving in Phuket in a few hours. I’m looking most forward to the warmth. I’m looking least forward to couples. Flying in from Corea ensures that there is no shortage of honeymooners to the sun and fun of Phuket. And when I speak of Corean honeymooners, I mean couple Tees. This is a brilliant Corean phenomenon where couples wear matching T-shirts, or even complete outfits. I sat next to a newly wed couple on my way here, who were decked out in matching red hoodies, black chucks and complementary white T-shirts looking something like this:

A brilliant Corean phenomenon, I tell you.

Any bitterness aside, I feel extremely grateful that I can take a mini holiday such as this. I’m always thankful for the many opportunities I’ve had in my life. I like to think that I’m storing up both good times and bad in my bag of life. It’ll be a nice bag to dig things out of in my old age, when I want to share with the younger brood about various experiences.

Then, until next time, Sawatdee!

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