March 5, 2010

when the lights cut out

While the whole nation was intently watching their national hero, one little boy sank to his knees and laid his head upon his bed. As his countrymen held their breaths each time their national hero spun into the air, he let flow sobs of sorrow, remorse and confusion. When the whole of Corea immersed themselves for a few minutes into the brilliant bright lights of the figure skating rink in Vancouver, one small eighth grade boy was left to question how there could be such a huge hole in his heart. How would he live without his mother? How would he and his father and his younger brother and his younger sister survive? Did death mean she was gone forever? And what was forever?

This whole country celebrated the accomplishments of an extraordinary 19-year-old girl who carried with her the expectations of over 50 million people. But her story is repeated in the countless athletes who devote their bodies, their minds and their time to the sport they love. The hard work, the dedication, the times they almost gave up... For every athlete that rises to the top, there are numerous others who worked just as hard. However,due to a variety of circumstances they just couldn't reach the coveted spot on the podium.

This little boy lost his mother on the day his country jubilantly gathered together to rejoice one of the proudest moments in their sports history. It was a sudden and tragic loss, unforeseen. Some would call it a freak accident. Yet regardless of how it happened, it happened, and this boy and his siblings were left without their mother.

He returned to school today, surprising his teachers who hadn't expected him for another few days. He walked in the hallways empty and lifeless. He was silent. He was spiritless. He was walking but he wasn't there. He was walking and he didn't even know it. He was walking when soon a few of his friends went to him. They encircled him. They hugged him.

A beautiful figure skating phenom dazzled her country and amazed the sports world. People caught a glimpse of a sparkling, glamorous kind of Corea. What some of our teachers got to witness today was a different side. A small almost minute side, but real and uplifting and poignant.


DuVäl said...


I AM sent said...

love your blog. Gods' heart is so there.