April 22, 2010

an arbitrary list

Number one. I've been in a funk lately. It's really showing in my writing. Maybe there's not enough stimulation or input of the arts. Must change this.

Number two. I had dinner with a friend last night and was amused by the unusual situation I was in. I haven't identified myself as a "Christian" in a long time. Yet I've retained my friendships with various Christians who still share with me their callings, visions, and relationships with their God. I find myself on the outside looking in. Unable to believe in what they would share with me, but understanding the vernacular, the Christian idioms, the feeling. I'm just incapable of carrying on the same beliefs I thought I had before.

Number three. I'm starting to fear the future. But I wonder if it's also fearing me.

Number four. My student told me she broke up with her third boyfriend of this year. Lots of my students share with me tidbits from their "love lives." I'm bemused by the fact that they actually have busier love lives than me.

Number five. The weather is getting warmer. Time to play outside.

Number six. Must get out of funk. Time to get funky.


Unknown said...

you're funky even when you arent tryin to be... O_O

my brothers in korea right now... i envy the fool~!!

paul said...

me too - kinda, but it's part of life... i always enjoy reading your thoughts though, so whenever you do share, its a good thing :)