July 10, 2010


Upon completion of college, I went through a summer of unemployed.ness, broke.ness and semi.depression. But I'll always remember that summer as the one where my sister and I watched all the episodes of Roseanne. She'd get home late, come downstairs and plop herself on the smaller couch because I'd be lying in my semi.depressed state on the bigger one. Wordlessly, I'd flip onRoseanneand we'd watch episode after episode in syndication. Most people I know don't like it, but I think we both bonded over the dysfunctional relationship between Roseanne and Jackie. They fought, bit and clawed at each other, but in the end... in the end... Roseanne and Jackie were sisters through and through.

She's the one who's seen me in all of my highs and lows. She's the one who really keeps me grounded when I start going a little crazy. She's the one who knows me best. There's really not too much to say except that she's my sister -- embodying all aspects of the term.

Happy birthday, Lindsay!

1 comment:

lindsay said...

thanks unnie!! u are the best sister and I really couldn't ask for anyone else but u to be my sister! I love u and I love our Rosanne memories =P <3