November 2, 2010


I've been wanting to write. To write and write and write. I've hit a wall in terms of inspiration. Often, in times of desperation, we turn to things we usually might scoff at. So, I turn to this. I've been pushing this back for awhile now, but time to stop procrastinating on inspiration! To write, one must write. And so write I shall.

day one.

dear jhL, nee jhK,

i've known you for over fifteen years. you have been there for me time and again, whether it be listening to me droll on about my woes, or comforting me with your amazing culinary skills. you're the only person who truly gets my sarcasm and humor. with a split.second glance, you can decipher the hidden meanings behind my words and catch on to the slightest of changed tones. i never have to explain myself to you.

how lucky i am to have someone in my life who
understands me. regardless of our different and varied views on life, acceptance is a key trait you've taught me.
you're about to teach and bestow these things to a new one. i am words beyond excited for this new addition to the world. surely, she will impact those around her in great and astounding ways, for she has an amazing mother to show her the importance of friendship, tolerance and love.
i don't say it enough, but thank you.


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