November 3, 2010

letter to your crush

day two.

dear bartender guy,

i saw you do your thing the other night at tony roma's. you were flinging cups, bottles and liquids all over the place. you were smiling. you were stylish. you were smooth. i was smitten. but that's what a crush is, right? it's more the idea of someone rather than the person themself. and to me, you symbolize an idea. maybe it's wrong for me to stereotype, to put you into a box of my own ideas. yet, i'm gonna do it anyway, because it's the idea that i yearn for.

you were smiling. the things you were doing with the glasses, bottles of liquor and cubes of ice were worthy of a vegas act. it was obvious there were hours upon hours of practice time behind the ease in which you handle mixing drinks. enjoying the job. passionate about your choices. that's what you represent.

you were stylish. tats, careless johnny depp.ish facial hair, messy do. you had the whole bohemian aura about you. and it's precisely that aura that is so enticing to me. disregard for the nine to five. a diss to convention. you live your life making art out of alcohol. and we all know creation is far more exciting that conformation.

you were smooth. while your partner dropped a few cups, never did you falter. continually smiling throughout your set and never letting on that you knew that the eyes of every woman in the restaurant was on you, you delivered an exciting and performance. and like all men who know they're skilled at something, you had swagger. you've been immortalized forever in this post, but i'll probably never think of you again. thanks for a fun show.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

dude! didnt I TAKE THAT PICTURE??

do I hear a hurray for luray??!! lol