November 15, 2010

letter to someone you've drifted away from

day fourteen.

dear og girls,

it's been a long time. feels like ages ago when we all headed to 동대문, reveling in the marvels of this city, taking timed photo shots and buy not couple t.shirts, but group t.shirts (yes, 독도 IS korea's!). feels like ages ago indeed.

it's funny that we all came here to this city at a crossroads in each of our respective lives. we came from different places and since then we've certainly traveled different paths. however, for a moment, we stood together. we were all novices in this complex hub of a place. we shared our stories, we shared our souls, we shared our experiences. each one was so different, so unique, but we had a damn good time, didn't we?

we've drifted apart, though some of us do keep in touch occasionally. but i hope you girls know that you all hold a special place in my heart. my first year in the motherland was wrapped in layers of emotional turbulence, and you were a part of that. a very dear, very positive and very helpful part. had it not been for you girls, i would've experienced a loneliness that scares me to even think about.

i think fondly of our long conversations, our random 3am adventures, our jam sessions, our meals. it was a lovely, lovely time and i thank each of you for your share in it.

wherever you are, wherever you are headed, my best wishes are with you. <3


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