November 16, 2010

letter to the person you miss the most

day fifteen.

dear mom,

where would i be without you? you have given me everything and i am what i am because of you.

i was present when you raised me, yet i have only an inkling of what you went through. what you went through as a single mother. what you went through as a woman alone in a foreign country. what you went through alone.

there was plenty of issues for which you could've broken down, given up, thrown in the towel. yet, you always forged on. you exemplify strength and perseverance. never once did you cry or complain in front of us. never once did you ask for pity. never once did you make us feel guilty or burdened.

you always carried yourself with class and pride, holding your head high, never allowing others to look down on you or at us. you taught us in the most effective and efficient way, not through words but through action.

i miss you so much. i miss your presence, your concern, your encouragement. circumstance has me here, thousands of miles away from you, but i miss you every day.

thank you for everything. thank you a million times over for every little thing. miss you. thank you. love you.



lindsay said...


Unknown said...

no more letters?

when are you coming to see Noah and his prom date melody? I think she coming out soon O_O

did you eat turkey?