November 9, 2010

letter to your ex/love/crush

day eight.

dear coco,

you're one of my three. even before the whole tonight show debacle, you were one of my three. sure, they mocked me. they ridiculed me for allowing you and your crazy titian hair onto my list. they teased me when i stood by your intelligence and wit. they couldn't see yet what i saw. you see, you make me giddy like the picture above.

you're one of those guys who doesn't open up to just anyone. sure, your face is unnaturally pale, yet not quite sexy like those fellas in twilight. sure, your lanky appendages seem to have a mind of their own, flailing about, twirling, twisting, stretching to unbelievable shapes and forms. your facial expressions aren't much to brag about either.

but you've got something special. you've inspired many to join "team coco." your followers are staunch and loyal. beneath the goofy, screwy act you put on, you somehow manage to exude humility and class.

your new show premiers tonight, and although i'm unable to view it from my current residence, i do hope to catch re.runs online. best of luck to you, mr. o'brien.


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