November 8, 2010

letter to your favorite internet friend

day seven.

dear lindsay,

am i a loser that you, my sister, is my favorite internet friend? i've already written a letter to you, so this one will have to be less... well, just less. cause we both know neither you nor i can handle too much mushiness.

anywho, i always have a blast when i talk to you online. for a brief moment, i'm transported back to our cozy little home. i feel like i'm there with you and we're teasing mom as she falls asleep downstairs watching corean broadcasting. we giggle, we share, we support. you give me a taste of home and family that i'm desperately lacking here.

although i'm a semi.opponent of the impersonal nature of technology and social networking sites, i am so thankful for the marvelous wonders of video chatting. thankful for you, too. "see" you soon, little sister! <3


1 comment:

lindsay said...

dear sister,
forgive me for my lack of responses to your posts. I have just now realized you have been posting letters every day to people. Thank you that you consider me your internet friend. To be honest, you are mine as well =P
oh how i do love our intimate vchats and conversations of how are lives have been going half way across the world. i enjoy every moment of our moment.
i love you sister.

your sister