March 12, 2011

art pursuit

It's a comforting thought to know that the grime of the city can be washed away with a soothing shower at home. But sometimes, rather than removing the smell and touch of the city, I want to be immersed in it. Enveloped. Held. Saturated in the flow of assiduous Seoulites. Steeped into a crowded abyss of strangers and neon lights.

Sometimes Seoul seems like a strange and bizarre place. Everyone (almost everyone) has black hair and dark eyes. They walk quickly and without regard to anyone else. The buildings can tower above the bustling streets bare of trees and other forms of our oxygen.producing friends. You step down underground, levels and levels underground, to find complete worlds beneath the streets. Convenience stores, book stores, clothing stores, cell phone stores, transportation, toilets, whatever you need (aside from imperative sunlight), you can find underground.

How this has become my home, I'm not sure. For the most part I'm happy here. Though lately, I've been craving art. To view and experience something heartbreakingly moving, creatively free and startlingly passionate. A city as busy, crowded and competitive as Seoul can put a damper on libertine spirits. Yet for the simple fact that there are so many, I'm pretty sure I can find something wonderfully unbridled and truly unhampered by societal restrictions.

A r t i s t i c i n d u l g e n c e.

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