October 30, 2013


Jane: You living creatures, you think that because you want something very much, it has to happen. That wishing something with all your heart will make it so.
Miro: How can you search for something if you don't believe that it exists?
Xenocide by Orson Scott Card

One of the three things that Buddha claimed mattered in the end was how gracefully you let go of things that were not meant for you. In a school setting, I try to encourage students to seek out a dream, to plan out that dream, and to continually strive for said dream. It's one of the things I really enjoy about being surrounded by students and immersed in a school environment -- the discovery and journey of dreams.
Yet, within this atmosphere, I feel my own dreams yet to be reached. Which brings another question of what exactly is it that I dream? It seems to be something that is being searched for, yet with no definite conclusion of its existence. Wishing for something to... wish for; to dream for; to want for.
So far in my own life, after meeting people from all walks of life, I believe that a lucky few have found their calling, their passion in life. From these lucky few, even fewer have found a most opportune way to make a living from that passion. The rest of us, I believe, we are the majority. Searching for a search. Journeying for a journey. Unsure of the unsure. We believe in something, but are never quite sure what it is we believe. And the thing that scares us the most, that keeps us doubting our individual walks in life, is that we are unsure if the thing we don't know we believe in actually... exists.

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