May 27, 2009

another year, another dollar

I was set to resign my contract. My decision had been made. I had the contract before me. Suddenly, my hands start shaking and I literally start sweating. The thought of committing to something for another solid year... me, who refuses to write in my planner with pen... am I confining myself?

Then, a flood of students swarmed into the office. They wanted to sign up for my afterschool English basketball class. "Teacher! Teacher! We do English basketball!" This was followed by a darling little that they tend to break out in when excited.
When they left, my anxieties eased a tad and I once again felt sure of my decision. The contract has been signed and delivered. I now only wait for my evaluation next week when the superintendent will visit my class to observe my teaching style.

I was fortunate to partake in a video chat with a group of friends from back home. Though I love them dearly, I felt so young in comparison. Most of my friends and acquaintences from home are now married, or settling down this summer with real jobs, mortgages, kids and your happy suburbia lifestyle. Perhaps that was never the path laid out for me, but a tiny part of me yearns for structure and stability. But the majority of my soul craves the adventure of city life and the concept of floating. There's still more to see, people to meet and learning to do. I figure, if you can't do it at home, you might as well do it out in the world. Seoul is a good starting place, though I don't forsee it as the finish line.

However, I'm committed for now to another year at Bongwon Middle School. I'm looking forward to another year with this school and with my students. They've somehow found a way to wriggle into my heart and have actually made me love them. I'm looking forward to another year of interacting with my co.workers. I'm looking forward to another year of badminton. I'm looking forward to another year of dreaded.but.still.hooked k.pop music. There's much to be thankful for.


Phil said...

I'm looking forward to another year of go-go-go-stop! =D

Joon said...

Wow, I can't believe almost a year has passed since you left for Korea. I had thought I'd be having so much fun in Seoul this summer, seeing old friends, traveling around on a bike, and so many other plans I've had for ever. But God really does have unfathomable plans for all of us.

I'm glad you're enjoying life in Korea :)

my name is hj said...

yeah...i had all those same feelings, but i chose the other path! i'm so sad thinking about leaving the little ones but i want to stretch out a bit and see what else there is. and yes, the instability of life right now is enough to drive one insane. glad you feel peace about your decision. i'm hoping i will too!

Jee said...

did i get you bracelet?

i cant remember....omg