February 19, 2010

the olympic spirit


The accomplishments. The heartbreaks. The compelling back stories. It is drama in its rarest, truest form. Being in Corea for this year's winter Olympics has been an interesting and eye-opening experience. I'm privileged to experience just how much this country rallies behind its athletes. During the Lunar New Year, the country experienced heartache when a seemingly podium sweep of the 1,500 meter short track race was marred by a mistake that took out the second and third place South Corean skaters on the final turn of the final lap. My family members were in an uproar and I'm pretty sure the neighbors across the hall were just as upset. For a minute I was worried my U.S. citizenship was going to turn this rowdy bunch against me. I joke. But you know, Corea's a small country, and any opportunity for it to show its might on an international stage is cause for wild celebration.

No other athlete has the country's hopes on her shoulders as much as Kim Yu-na. The majority of clips on TV have been of Yu-na. The country has watched her closely as she blossomed into the number one ranked skater in the world. And as the way things go with popular female athletes, not only is she good, but she's good-looking to throw in the bag. I've hitched my interests to the bandwagon and am most looking forward to her 007 and Gershwin performances.

One of my favorites stories so far has been the pairs skating couple of Xue Shen and Hongbo Zhao from China. It's one thing to be the best in the world. To diligently train for an arduous four years. To top the medal stand at the greatest competition on Earth. However, to do all that with your spouse. I imagine it's a feeling multiplied ten-fold.

Can't wait for another week of Olympic vignettes and exciting results. Someone teach me curling, quick!

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