December 9, 2010

letter to the person that you wish you could be

utter failure.

i pretty much gave up on the 30-day letter challenge after a series of events kept me from expressing myself in written form. actually, i just got lazy.

however, in light of recent news on one of my idols, i decided to write one last letter. or rather, one last piece related to the 30-day letter challenge. here is my entry for "letter to the person that you wish you could be," which won't be so much of a letter as an explanation of sorts.

"why i want to be angelina jolie"

first off, i don't necessarily like the woman. i'm not sure, but if i were to believe tabloid reports, she's broken up more than one marriage, and that's something i abhor. but then again, who could ever possibly resist her?

she's bagged possibly the most gorgeous man on the planet, producing three stunning children along with raising three other unbelievably cute ones. she travels the world, plays kick.ass characters, rides around on a ducati, flies planes, is a goodwill ambassador... all while looking ridiculously hot.

what's there not to like? some wanna be like mike... i wanna be like jolie. hot dang.

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