November 7, 2010

letter to a stranger

day six.

dear stranger,

i see you most every day on my way to school. passing through the marketplace, i see you hauling iceboxes of fish and other seafoods from your truck to the fish stand. blue rubber galoshes, denim jeans, faded track jacket and canvas gloves. this outfit you wear day after day, but the thing that really catches my eye is your smile.

you smile when all your other colleagues trudge from truck to stand, burden not only by their iceboxes but also by their heavy expressions, laden with despair and exhaustion. you smile although you're surrounded by grayness, by fatigue.

i like to think it's because you've a happy home to end your days in. i imagine that you drive home in your blue truck to your neighborhood. i imagine you close your eyes for a split second as you open the door to your apartment, raising your head a fraction, taking in the aroma from the fresh.cooked food simmering on the stove. i imagine you walk into your home, greeted by a dear wife and happy children. i imagine you overcome with the warmth of love that only family can generate. i like to imagine that such a place exists in this busy, crowded and maddening city.

perhaps all this is incorrect, but your smile gives that hope. your smile that stands out in the marketplace. in this busy, crowded and maddening place of seoul, your smile gives that hope.

keep smiling, stranger.


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