November 4, 2010

letter to your parents

day three.

dear parents,

you gave me life, you gave me food, you gave me love. everything i have, everything i am, i owe to you.

you two aren't together and i admit i went through the textbook adolescent, bitter stage of resentment. however, even through such a breakup, i believe you both represented the utmost class, dignity and respect.

never did you make us choose. never did you put us in the middle. never was there a hateful word uttered from your lips.

of the countless things you've gifted me with, i thank you most for the freedom. because of your sacrifices i'm able to think freely, live freely, love freely. you've sacrificed your own visions to provide me with choices, whether it be to live the straight life or to pave my own twisting, curling, winding trail. supporting, encouraging, uplifting. allowing me the freedom to make my life my own, yet always protective of me. how do you manage it?

i wish with my whole heart you two were together. yet, i realize with unspoken words that there was much heartache on both sides. it's almost romantic, if not tragic. as parents have hope for their children, i still have hope for you... for both of you. i hope for deeper, truer, more meaningful happiness for the remainder of your lives.

i most definitely do not thank you both enough for everything that you've done, that you're doing, that you're sure to do in my future days. thank you.


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