November 5, 2010

letter to your sibling

day four.

dear sistAr,

no one, and i mean no one, knows me like you. you have seen the ugliest, dirtiest, vilest sides of me. you're the person i've been meanest to. you've seen me cry, wail, hit, claw, crawl, bite, spit and hurt. yet, you've always, always, always been there for me.

i admit i resented your undeniably sparkling cuteness when growing up. you seemed to have a knack for garnering love wherever you went. so i sat on you, bullied you, and even literally stuck a fork in you. but still, you were always there for me.

you cried for me in your own bed as i was being punished downstairs. you "let" me take the best foods from your plate. you always "lent" me money. although as the older one i should have been the more generous, you were always willing to give.

i've watched you grow from a confused, unsure and uncertain rebel into a bright, optimistic and loving woman. my heart feels great joy to see you admired and respected by those around you. your kindness never ceases to surprise and remind me of the good in this world. i see you radiate hope, enlivening your environment, sharing joy and delight.

thank you for never failing to give me the reality check i need when off in one of my narcissistic binges. thank you for constantly acting like the patient older sister when i'm annoying the crap out of you. thank you for unceasingly listening to, sympathizing with and humoring me. and of course, most importantly, thank you for truly understanding the genuine caring and loving relationship between roseanne and jackie.


1 comment:

lindsay said...

my dear loving sister,
how could i forget those countless nights where we stayed up watching back-to-back re-runs of the craziest sisters in television history? those were the best nights, where we would run out to 7-11 pick up some hot utz chips and sparkling flavored water and come back just to tip-toe downstairs,only to laugh at the relationships between sisters, and family.

i hated that you tortured me, but now i am thrilled to show off my "fork scar" as a battle reminder. i kid. i love that i was the younger sister only YOU were allowed to beat on. if anyone else were to mess with me, they would have to go through my big sister. what better back do i need than that?

you have seen me through so much, and just as i have seen your worst, you have seen mine. thank you for always being there and caring even though i personify THE bratty younger sister. thank you for your slapping me back into place and passing down your wisdom and knowledge onto me. even though it seems as though i do not want to hear it, (and of course at the time i probably don't), please continue to put me in my place when needed and be my older sister always.

i love you, and that will never change.

(don't you love that this is as mushy as we can get without cringing? =P)
