February 17, 2012


I came across this poster on this exquisite blog. As unromantic as it sounds, I simply devour its contents on a daily basis, looking at past entries over and over again. It's one of the outlets that encourages me to create, discover and imagine. And as quoted in that fantastic musical, Rent, "The opposite of war isn't peace. It's creation!"

There are a lot of horrid people in this world. People who hurt, judge, destroy. One thing I really try really hard not to do (but fail miserably time and again) is judge them. People become who they are not because they're born into their vileness, but because of the circumstances and events that have shaped their lives. The words above were written by Mother Teresa as a version of Dr. Kent M. Keith's commandments. Most of the words I'll try to live by, though I'm not sure who the final analysis will be between. Perhaps just me and myself. Perhaps me and a greater being. Perhaps nothing. Nonetheless, those words serve as a reminder to me that regardless of our surroundings or environment, it's most beneficial to put in our best effort... anyway.

[between me and the sea]

[between me and love] 

 [between me and bacchus]

 [between me and the light]

 [between me and the cat]

Between me and... it doesn't really matter anyway.

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